Friday, March 7, 2008


Think the market is going down? You have 2 choices

1) Sell your stocks and go into cash which pays you 2-3% (and going down with each rate cut)
2) Buy insurance and keep the dividends on your stocks rolling in

I recommend high safe dividend paying stocks (VZ, GE, MO, MCD) that pay higher dividends then cash (money markets & high yield savings) and then buying ETFs that go up when the market goes down. This way you get your dividends and you protect you overall portfolio value.

See below:
DOG - is an ETF that goes up 1 for 1 as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) goes down.
DXD - is an ETF that goes up 2 for 1 as the DJIA goes down.

I like DXD since you can buy it cheaper and get twice the protection. Keep in mind that if the market goes up then you lose twice as much though.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See Here or Here